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Classes Calendar



Registration and Classes Catalogue



Classes resume at our beautifully renovated Club this fall with exciting opportunities to learn, reflect and recharge ourselves with friends and those who will become friends. We look forward to welcoming back familiar instructors as well as some who are new to us. We are grateful that classes will be held in person with the exception of yoga. September will be packed with opportunities not offered in the near past with Chef Nick showcasing his talents and a dance class to rev our engines. The always favorite Readers and Film classes will return. Bridge has a new and enthusiastic instructor who is excited to be part of The Village Club. Please support your Club by registering early for a class.

Classes Catalogue

Click here to view the Winter/Spring 2022 Classes Catalogue.

Registration Information

Click here for the Registration Form.

Class #500 Learn to Rumba has been canceled. 

Class Registration

Online: Members only (sign onto your private TVC site.)

(248) 644-3450

[email protected]

190 E. Long Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

In Person:
See Club receptionist



Members, their spouses, and reciprocal club members (Great Oaks Country Club) will be billed on their monthly statements after the class has begun.


The rate for non-members is noted in the class catalogue, and full payment is due at the time of registration in the form of a check payable to The Village Club.

Materials Fee:

If a materials fee is charged, it is to be paid directly to the instructor in cash at the first session.


A full refund will be issued for any class canceled by The Village Club. Registrants will be notified by phone or email if a class is canceled.

Withdrawing From a Class

A request to withdraw from a class must be received in the office at least two days prior to the start of the class in order to receive a full refund. Refunds cannot be given after that time as instructors have been retained and other registrants have committed to the class.

General Information

Additional classes may be offered after the publication of this catalogue. They will be announced in our weekly eblast, and website.